Cambridge Central Asia Forum in collaboration with the Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge invites you to the Easter Term Seminar Series
Fridays, Time: 11am (UK time)
Venue: In-person SG2, Alison Richard Building, 7 West Road, Cambridge CB3 9DT
Zoom Registration:
5 May Gulshan Sachdeva, Jawaharlal Nehru University, Implications of the War in Ukraine on India’s Ties with Europe and Central Asia
12 May Helen Wang, Dept of Coins and Medals, The British Museum and Victoria Sluka, Doctoral Candidate in Textile Archaeology, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Silk Road Textiles on Banknotes of the Central Asian Republics
19 May Lynne Rouse, Washington University in St. Louis, Legacy Landscapes in Central Asian Archaeology
26 May Nilufar Safarova, Senior Researcher, Institute of Forecasting and Macroeconomic Research, Uzbekistan, Digital services satisfaction measures across population of Uzbekistan
9 June Farhod Maksudov, National Center of Archaeology, Uzbekistan Academy of Sciences, Nomadic Oecumene as the Periphery of Sedentary World and the Center of Islamization: archaeology of the earliest Islamic community in highland Central Asia
Everyone is welcome.