Cambridge Central Asia Forum in collaboration with Centre OF Development Studies, University of Cambridge and GCRF COMPASS invites you to the following talks
17 January P. Kalra, GCRF COMPASS, Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge and Cambridge Central Asia Forum, 'Locating the Nomad and why it is important for world history'
24 January Dr Tunc Aybak, Senior Lecturer in Politics, Middlesex University, UK on 'Eurasianism: An Emerging Geopolitical Discourse in Turkish Foreign Policy', Room S1
31 January Dustin Barter, Centre of Development Studies, University of Cambridge, on 'Contesting Development: Civil Society in Mongolia and Kazakhstan'
7 February Dr Tayyab Safdar, China Centre, on 'The China Pakistan Economic Corridor: Progress, Opportunities and Perils', Jesus College (Time change: 5:30pm, Jesus College)
14 February Nick Ray and Dr Ronita Bardhan, University of Cambridge, Thinking Before Planning (Time change: 10-1pm, Venue: Criminology Dept)
21 February Dr Kudaibergenova, University of Cambridge, TBC
28 February Prof James Jackson, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Cambridge, on 'Modern earthquake hazard along the ancient Silk Road', Room S1