Cambridge Central Asia Forum in collaboration with GCRF COMPASS and Centre of Development Studies invites you to an online talk on
‘An earthquake which took Turkestan from the seventeenth to the
twentieth century”: Reassessing the 1916 Central Asian Revolt’
By Alexander Morrison, New College, University of Oxford
Abstract: The 1916 Revolt was a key event in the history of Central
Asia, and of the Russian Empire in the First World War. This paper will
explore the deeper origins of discontent with Tsarist colonisation
policies, before considering the specific wartime pressures which
provoked rebellion in July 1916. It will explore the progress of the
revolt from Jizzakh to Semirechie and the northern steppe, its brutal
suppression in the dying days of the Tsarist regime, and the patterns of
violence emerging from it which continued throughout the revolutionary
period. It will conclude with a discussion of how it has been assessed
in Soviet and post-Soviet historiography, and the political disputes
surrounding its legacy today.
Please email for a link to attend.