GCRF COMPASS and Cambridge Central Asia Forum, Jesus College, University of
Cambridge invite you to the first talk in the Civil Societies Conversations
Webinar Series with Eurasian Civil Society Leaders (in Russian) by
Matluba Salikhova, Chairwoman of Peshraft Charity Organisation from
Dushanbe, Tajikistan.
In the Civil Societies Conversations Webinar Series with the Eurasian Civil
Society Leaders we will engage in a dialogue with local actors and discuss
the development of civic initiatives, local communities needs and
structures. All talks are in Russian.
Join the meeting- https://cam-ac-uk.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJErf-qqpjkuEtGL676249kfFk_Cuao4bRaJ
Date: 20 January 2021 Time: 11-1 pm (UK time)
Venue: Zoom
Live Broadcasting and video afterwards will be available on the Tengri TV
Language: Russian
Moderator: Dr. Diana T. Kudaibergenova, GCRF COMPASS PDRA, Centre of
Development Studies, University of Cambridge
All talks will be in Russian.
Everyone is welcome.
RVSP dk406@cam.ac.uk